Two Stage Belt Drive Series
  • TK3160
  • TK5250
  • TK7300A
  • TK10300
  • TK15300
  • TK20300
  • TK30500
Check the item No. you interested to view their specification
TK3160 3.0 / 2.20 300 / 10.5 260 / 9.2 1010 / 850 2 12 / 175 16 / 230 155 / 40 170 / 374 155x58x106 TK30160A
TK5250 5.0 / 3.75 560 / 20.0 485 / 17.1 960 / 800 3 12 / 175 16 / 230 228 / 60 261 / 574 160x70x115 TK50250A
TK7300A 7.5 / 5.60 730 / 26.0 630 /  22.2 1180 / 1000 2 12 / 175 16 / 230 285 / 75 332 / 730 191x76x121 TK75300A
TK10300 10.0 / 7.50 1070 / 38.0 940 / 33.2 870 / 750 3 12 / 175 16 / 230 285 / 75 364 / 800 191x76x121 TK100300A
TK15300 15.0 / 11.20 1470 / 51.9 1470 / 51.9 820 / 820 4 12 / 175 16 / 230 285 / 75 505 / 1110 191x76x142 TK150300A
TK20300 20.0 / 15.00 1980 / 70.0 1670 / 59.0 870 / 740 3 12 / 175 16 / 230 285 / 75 530 / 1166 191x76x142 TK200300A
TK30500 30.0 / 22.00 3000 / 106.0 2530 / 89.3 680 / 580 4 12 / 175 16 / 230 475 / 125 651 / 1432 201 x84x144 TK300500A

Semi-Auto type is to add "U" in no. eg. TUK3160 is semi-auto. 

Tank cap. is optional at customers request.


Special high pressure design, safety, sturdy structure for durability. Availability of special auxiliary cylinder can further enhance compression efficiency.


Suitable for use in factories, auto maintenance plant, tire stores and special high pressure supply system.